Sunday, October 17, 2010

Giggles, Adventure & A Bit of 2 Year Old 'Tude :)

I knew that I would have a blast doing pictures for this family because their kids are just too darn cute. But other than the cute factor, I didn't really know what I was in for. It is amazing how much you get to know people in such a small amount of time.

Melanie had told me ahead of time that her youngest (A), could be a bit of a stink about smiling for pictures. When it came down to it, what worked best was having A say that her brother stunk. Even I couldn't help but smile! I nearly busted a gut when Melanie told A to sit down and A said 'and do what??' like a teenager would or when she said countless times 'we done yet?'.

Miss E was just as much fun - giggling with every smile and SO cooperative! Big brother N was Mr. Adventure. I am not pretty sure that instead of having people sign a 'Model Release Form' that I should have them sign a waiver saying that I can't be held responsible for any bodily harm that their children cause themselves.

Thank you Melanie and Jay for allowing me to take capture these moments for you! I hope you guys had as much fun as I did. :) Looking forward to working with you again!

Seriously...aren't these kids just adorable??


  1. They really are adorable! Great location too! :)

  2. You're right Tara. Some serious adorableness going on here! :)
