Saturday, May 14, 2011

Every New Beginning Comes From Some Other New Beginning's End

Yes, it's the words to a popular song and a quote by a Roman philosopher, mid-1st century AD; but the words are so true.

This week I had the pleasure of photographing two beautiful, new babies. For one family, this "new beginning" meant that they were going from a family of 4 to a family of 5. A family with 2 little girls, to a family with 2 girls and a boy. For the family that I visited this afternoon, this "new beginning" meant that they were going from being a couple to a "family". Husband and wife to "Daddy" and "Mommy".

I love being able to share in the joy and excitement that new parents (and grandparents!) have over the addition of a baby to their family. Today I watched as M's Daddy gently wiped her eye, her Mommy lovingly snuggle her and her Grandma 'oooo' and 'ahhh' and her cuteness.

And here she is....8lbs of cuteness!

Thank you A & T for inviting me into your home to capture these moments with your sweet little girl!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Rough Life

Babies have it so rough, don't they?
Sleeping wherever and whenever they want...

not a care in the world...

all the snuggles they want...

and lots of kisses too!

It was such a pleasure to snap work with this little man on Wednesday! He is the 3rd baby of my good friends, Sarah and Ian. While they are experienced in having children, this is their first boy. I'm so happy for them!