Saturday, May 14, 2011

Every New Beginning Comes From Some Other New Beginning's End

Yes, it's the words to a popular song and a quote by a Roman philosopher, mid-1st century AD; but the words are so true.

This week I had the pleasure of photographing two beautiful, new babies. For one family, this "new beginning" meant that they were going from a family of 4 to a family of 5. A family with 2 little girls, to a family with 2 girls and a boy. For the family that I visited this afternoon, this "new beginning" meant that they were going from being a couple to a "family". Husband and wife to "Daddy" and "Mommy".

I love being able to share in the joy and excitement that new parents (and grandparents!) have over the addition of a baby to their family. Today I watched as M's Daddy gently wiped her eye, her Mommy lovingly snuggle her and her Grandma 'oooo' and 'ahhh' and her cuteness.

And here she is....8lbs of cuteness!

Thank you A & T for inviting me into your home to capture these moments with your sweet little girl!

1 comment:

  1. It was our pleasure Tara.
    The pics (sneak peek) are AMAZING!
    Can't wait to see the rest!
    A & T
