There were SO many emotions involved in this process. Last night I got thinking about it and I'll admit, there were tears. Tears because I was nervous for her - would she fit in? would she be ok being one of the youngest in her class? Tears because obviously she is my first to make this big move and I didn't know what to expect. And tears because *choking up* I had dreams of this past year (my mat leave with Josh) being full of lots of time just the 2 of us while Josh napped, fun little trips and memories that she would cherish for a long time. *It's a good thing I know how to type properly because the screen is getting very fuzzy*
As you know (if you've been following for a while or are a personal friend), my mat leave was definitely NOT filled with a lot of happy times. The first 6 months were filled with constant puking, hospital stays and doctors appointments that were pretty much bi-weekly. It wasn't long after things settled down that I found out I was pregnant with baby #3, an absolute blessing, but a very scary and emotional thing at the same time. I knew that this baby would mean that I would have to go back to work a lot earlier than originally expected which meant that again, I would have less time with Leah. Again, I would be shipping her out the door to have someone else watch her. Again, I'd be getting home late, feeding her dinner and putting her to bed without much time for anything else.
Last night I really realized just how fast time flies and how much we take that time for granted. We just assume that we will have this time with our little ones, just like I assumed I would have a whole year with Leah. Today, I cherished the time that I had with my girl as we got her ready for school. We ate breakfast together, I helped her get dressed (as much as she would let me...because after all, she's a big girl), we took some special pictures and we walked to school together.
I'm not nieve, I know that each day will definitely not be like this. But I do really want to remember the feelings that I had last night and just how quick time can fly by. I hope that all of you that have little ones cherish the special times that you have with them.
Here's a little picture of Leah before heading off to school for the first time. I love you SO much, Leah! I am so excited to see how much you will grow this year at school! :)

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