So....I just want to quickly jot down some things that I am finding humorous/frustrating/whatever about this whole 'my first child is in school' thing...
- first full day of school: Leah gets lost and isn't there when I go to pick her up. delightful! When we get home she says to me 'Mommy....(very concerned look on her face) why did you give me crackers and cheese for lunch? Why didn't you give me a sammich??'
- what is up with all the paperwork/more like homework for Mommies!!! I love that they have all these different programs but honestly...can they not send all of the lunch type order forms home on the same day?
- I love that Leah brings home little crafts, etc from school and tells me all about them. The other day she said 'Mommy, Mrs. Conventry taught us a song today' (using the little lion masks they had made).
- I love that we know so many of the teachers from her school because they go to our church AND HUGE blessing - her teacher is a Christian!
- Today: Leah went to the library. She didn't tell me about this (she went straight from school to Grandma's and then to Awana) but I'm excited to read the book with her. :)
- Tonight when I was getting her and Josh ready for bed Leah quietly stood in front of me with a straight look on her face and raised her hand. I was slightly baffled and then quickly realized 'oh my goodness, she is actually picking this up from school! AMAZING!!!' I acknowledged her and she went on with her story. She did this again before she got into bed. If this continues things will be A LOT quieter in our house!
- Leah seems to love the idea of going to school. The only time that she is a bit nervous about the whole process is when we get up to the gate and it's almost time to say goodbye. I've tried to make an effort to remember to pray with her despite the absolute insanity that is our morning schedule. Last week there was a day that she was clinging to me and I said to her, "Let's pray about your day, ok Leah?" She clung to me and we prayed that she would have a great day and meet new friends, etc. Afterwards I said "are you ready to go play now?" and her attitude changed completely and off she went. Amazing!
I can't wait to see what the rest of the year brings! I'm sure I'll have many more stories to share. :)