All 3 girls have 'A' names (Amanda, Ashley and Andrea - or as Leah likes to call her, 'Angioia'; poor kid can't get it straight! lol!) and their last name starts with an 'A'...hence 'The A Team'. :) They are all so photogenic and cool looking (is cool still a 'cool' word? well...for us old people it is, I guess. I really wish I had their sense of style!). My kids have become slightly obsessed with Amanda this summer as she has been watching them while I'm at work. I COULD NOT have asked for a better situation there. God really had His hand in that situation! There are honestly days when Leah cries when Amanda leaves because she wants her to stay. She also cries when she asks who is watching them today and I tell her that I'm watching her - she really wants Amanda to watch them. lol! The obsession didn't start with Amanda though, it started with Andrea ('Angioia'). Leah started to literally hang off of her at church a little over a year ago and still refuses to leave church some Sundays without seeing Angioia. I think Ashley is the only sister that Leah hasn't really gotten to know well....maybe that's a good thing for her!
We will definitely be sad to see these girls go off to school in just a short little while...but I know that Andrea will keep things hopping for her parents. :)
Thanks again for allowing me to do these pictures for you guys! I had such a blast!!! Enjoy your sneak peak!
PS - Don't forget to enter my contest (see details on before the end of the day on Wednesday for a chance to win a free 1/2 hour photo shoot!!! Also, if we hit 175 'fans' on the fan page ( by end of day on Wednesday I'll be doing another little giveaway!!! We're only 31 away! Invite your friends!!

Great pictures!