It's at times like this that I am SO thankful for the technology that we have! How incredible is it that today I was able to shoot some new pictures of Erika while my sister (who is at school in Alberta...a heck of a long drive away!) watched on Skype. SO amazing! I get a kick out of watching my Grandma talk to my sister on Skype because she is so baffled that it is free. :)
Family is so important and staying connected with family is an important part of those relationships. Every full family/maternity/newborn photo shoot booked before the end of April will receive $25 off. These photo shoots must occur before the end of December 2011.

Nearly 4 months of sweetness :)

Listening intently to Auntie Rache

"Hi Auntie Rache!" *She's going to kill me for this...*

New fave pic of my sweet baby girl!