On top of life being busy, business stuff has been busy too. Recently I did pictures for a family of 11. Wow, that was a BIG shoot! And the biggest complication? It POOOOURED rain the day of the shoot. Thankfully the girl that organized the shoot is a church secretary and we sort of pulled together a 'living room' look in the gym. I was impressed that we were able to make it look like it wasn't so much of a gym. I've also been prepping recently for a big gig that's coming up in just a couple of days. On Thursday I'll be doing some 'before' pictures for my sister and some of her friends while they get ready for their high school prom. I honestly can't believe that my little sister is done high school and leaving me to go to school in Alberta! In addition to the prom pictures, I'll be dragging along a 2nd shooter to do pictures at a local grade 8 grad. It's definitely going to be an afternoon of non-stop running around, but I'm SO looking forward to it!
Tonight I realized that my little guy is almost 10 months old (on Friday) and because of being back at work now as well as dealing with typical home/life stuff, business stuff, etc. I haven't really taken the time to take pictures of him. He's growing up SO quickly (he stood for about 4 seconds tonight by himself!) and I don't want to forget all these little stages. So...while I was testing out my new little toy tonight (a flash!), I decided to sneak into his room and take a couple of pictures of my sweet boy as he slept. He has such funny sleep positions and I'm glad I was able to capture some of them - especially the way that he holds his blankie up near his face and that makes him fall asleep. Of course I had to sneak into Leah's room too and get some pictures of her sleeping as well. She's definitely a heavier sleeper than Josh. I love both of my 'babies' so much and I'm so glad that we have the technology now to take a ridiculous amount of pictures and remember these special moments. :)

My Leah's 'big' hands with her nail polish quickly fading away and sand in her nails from playing at the park. :)

My sweet Leah fast asleep after a great day with our amazing babysitter.

Joshy waking up in the midst of me taking his picture. Too tired to make a fuss though.

My baby boy sleeping in one of his random sleeping positions.